Walking! A little

Yesterday was an exciting day.  Not only did I come off the walking frame, but X Rays showed my bones had healed as they should.  This has meant that I can now weight bear on both my arm and my foot.   I can't stop smiling!

Just on 15 mins off the frame!a

I am to "wean" myself off both the arm splint and my moon boot.  I have been warned that it will be 12 - 18 months till my foot feels normal.  The surgeon wanted me to continue on the frame for another week or so, but with persuasion from me, he agreed that I was walking well and that my good old Pacer Poles were doing a good job at keeping me upright!  Having to stay on the frame meant all sorts of hassles, not least of which was how to return it to the hospital. 

Today, wearing the moon boot, I got my own breakfast, went outside for a gentle stroll along the path heading into town, then returned to my room for a rest.  This afternoon I walked out to the restaurant in SHOES!  This is the first time I have worn a PAIR of shoes since January 4th, and it feels wonderful.

Shoes!  No moon boot!

Last night I slept without a cast or a moonboot on.  I even made the short journey from my bed to the bathroom barefoot.  Standing up to clean my teeth was a something I hadn't done for six weeks either!  It was tempting to just keep walking backwards and forwards from the bed to the bathroom just for the novelty of it.

Who knows, after today, I might have some scenic photos for you.  Tomorrow, my new friend Marguerita is collecting me and taking me to Peterborough.   I will stay there for four nights, then I am not sure what the plan will be.


  1. Oh Janet, I have just caught up with your news after I wrote to AFOTC and Kevin kindly directed me to your blog. What an unexpected adventure. I love your optimism and your capacity to see the goodness in people around you.
    I wish I had known you were in Addenbrooks as I have friends in Cambridge who would certainly have visited you.
    Best wishes for the four days in Peterborough and onwards.
    I look forward to following more posts. Cheers Jen xx

  2. No stopping you now Janet!
    Congratulations on your tenacity and determination to get back on 2 legs unaided and even wearing SHOES. 👞 👞 Enjoy the road ahead and looking forward to hearing about more adventures and pictures 😘

  3. Good news! I've just started a catchup on your blog. You've been through the wars haven't you? Music Makers continues when participants' medical appointments don't get in the way.


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