From Herrstein to Kirn - 14.5kms, our way!
Today was a much easier day, except for a long hill which seemed to go up, and up, and up. However, we had a very pleasant time, walking through forests, walking alongside fields of ripening grain, and best of all, walking alongside gurgling streams. I was even reminded of the verse from "The Happy Wanderer" - I love to wander by the stream, the gurgles in the sun ...."
Having had a restorative nights sleep, a substantial breakfast, and made lunch from the leftovers (at our hosts suggestion), we were able to wander around the beautiful historical town of Herrstein, something we were incapable of doing last night. It truly is a lovely town, as you can see from the photos.
Having ambled along to our destination of Kirn, and arriving so early, we couldn't access our accommodation, we had a pick me up of a coke for me and a beer for Edith. We had a delicious meal of a traditional German pasta, and then, we even had enough energy to explore the town.
This morning we were woken by the bells ringing (at 6am), and ringing, and ringing. Here in Kirn the bells are striking the hour and half hour, but not sure if they will go all night. I hope they do, and with all my clocks, I actually tune out to the sound if I'm sleeping. It is one of the things I love about Europe - the bells.
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