It's the little things that count!

Just over a week ago, on a Saturday afternoon, I met Marguerita.   On Sunday she turned up with a bag of books for me to borrow, and on Monday she took me shopping. 

I don't think I've had such fun shopping for years!  We went to Tesco's, a chain supermarket like Coles or Woolies, but this one was huge - about the size of a BigW.  On the ground floor there were the groceries, fruit & vege, toiletries, the bottle shop etc., with the obligatory Costa coffee shop at the checkout exit.  The 1st floor was for clothing, homewares and such like plus another cafe, a perfect lunch spot!

I was a bit concerned about how I would be able to hop my way around such a huge expanse, but I had no need to worry.   When we entered through the front door I spied some electric wheelchairs / gophers.   Marguerita went to the desk to ask about them, and we exchanged my frame for a key, and off we went!  Who knew that shopping could be such fun?

Life returned to the new (for me) normal of hopping from my room to the hotel restaurant the next day.  This time though, only for a few days, as on Thursday afternoon my friend Charlotte, from Stirling (Scotland) arrived for a visit.

I had warned Charlotte we would go out somewhere, and on the Friday we caught a taxi to the Fitzwilliam Museum.  I was able to borrow a wheelchair there which was easy enough for Charlotte to push, and for me to get myself around using 1 hand and 1 leg!  We soon got into a system where Charlotte would push me into a gallery and leave me to get around at my pace.  I discovered that it was better viewing from a distance while sitting in a wheelchair. 

The Fitzwilliam Museum was an wonderful place.  Charlotte made a beeline for gallery 6 which housed the illuminated manuscripts.   They were in a covered cabinet and I could only just see them, but later in the day, I was able to view many which were displayed in the Medieval gallery.  Here there were, on display,  bibles, book of days, and even a music manuscript.   

George Frederick Handel

Feeling somewhat jaded after roaming from one gallery to another we found ourselves in the Egyptian gallery,  then a Roman one, a Greek one and finally galleries of China.  I'm afraid they only got a cursory look, as we were tired by then.

On Saturday Charlotte helped me begin packing a box of things to post home.  I now won't have a need for my sleeping bag and so will send it, and other things, home.  In the afternoon she headed off to Stirling and I was left to my own devices again. 

As I said in the title of this post - it's the little things that count!  On Monday Marguerita took me to the laundromat and I am now wearing clothes that aren't speckled with white dots of plaster!  It was a new experience for her, and I so appreciatehaving really clean clothes.  Another lovely outing, coffee and cake across the road while the clothes were washed and dried!

I am now waiting patiently for my next clinic appointment which is on the 12th.  I am hopeful that I will be told that I can gently begin weight bearing.  My hand is progressing well, just hope the foot is the same!
Just showing off.  Can't quite lift my hand to 90°, but am getting there!


  1. ....and you're still smiling, love it.

  2. Scowling won't make any difference, so why not smile! It is what it is, and time just has to pass!

  3. So glad you are doing some different things to keep yourself busy, and shopping no less!
    Good luck for the appointment on the 12th

    1. Ta. Fingers crossed!
      Another shopping day today.


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