Now residing in a hotel

Well, since the last post I have left hospital and am now staying in a hotel.  I arrived here nearly a week ago, and yesterday moved rooms.  I have chosen a hotel that has a restaurant AND a lift for ease of movement. 

I'm not sure that the nurses will approve of how I get around.   Entering and exiting rooms is the trickiest part.  I carefully open the door, without getting the wheels of my frame caught,  then I line myself up with the door, give it and almighty push, sprint through, as much as one can sprint hopping, before it crashes into me again, then one more shove and I am through!
On my frame, with the new cast on my wrist, but still the post surgery cast on my leg.

I have discovered that not all accessible rooms are equal.  My first room was an older one, with a marginally lower toilet and shower chair.  This was quite difficult standing, and is so much easier in my new room.  However, opening the room door is much harder as there is a sort of suction holding it shut - very tricky, standing on one leg!  I have now bailed up the handyman and he has just come to tell me it should be easier to open now.  I hope so.

People have been extraordinary kind here.  I regularly get an "on the house" hot chocolate or coke, and Leigh, my "waitress" at breakfast, brought some magazines in for me.  I am unable to serve myself from the buffet breakfast and so Leigh does that for me.  I sneak fruit for lunch, and just have a snack for dinner.  I am trying hard not to overeat as I am not getting much exercise.

I was sent "home" with a bag of medication, including needle's to self inject a blood thinner.  This is to reduce the risk of DVT while my leg is in a cast.  A new experience for squeamish me!

I occupy my time by regularly moving from my room to the restaurant and back, which takes quite a lot of effort.  My exercises also occupy my time.  In between I read and watch TV.  I also chat to various friends and relatives via WhatsApp etc - my sim doesn't allow me to ring Australia, or even text for some reason.  I also chat to the staff, and the hotel patrons. 

I think that is all for now.   I am now off to do my exercises, and see how easy my door is to open, having just spent half  an hour admiring the sunset.


  1. It has been certainly a change of pace for you.
    From daily steps and miles counting - to stairs and steps avoiding 😩🤪
    My goodness, how are you coping with the injection? I’m sure you will tackle it with gusto like everything but I feel your pain and squeamishness. ( is that even a word?)
    Love to catch up with you on WhatsApp when you are finished your exercises and are getting to the bored stage - if not there already
    I am currently watching the Australian Open tennis as we have had some heavy rain and hail. Our caravan was peppered in last weeks hail storm at Glen Innes and the insurance company is assessing the damage. We are one of many cars, houses, factories etc that were damaged.
    Mother Nature at her best.
    Take care Janet and keep your chin up, leg up,arm up and most importantly your smile

    1. Love to chat Vicki, have sent you an email. I've missed out on the hail storm news. Hope things are progressing for you.


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