
As I left my Pension in Fell, a bus came around the corner, and I was sorely tempted, but resisted!  After the thunderstorm the night before, the rain was set to continue till about lunchtime.   However, I gritted my teeth, put up my umbrella, and started walking.  I couldn't take many photos as it was quite misty, and therefore not much point.  I managed to stay dry for the first three or four kilometres, by which time I was near the top of the day's climb.  Things changed though as the path changed to what was almost "bush bashing", with long grass and overhanging branches laden with water, shed their load as I walked past, and as a result became very wet indeed.  That aside it was an easy and comfortable walk into Trier, where I arrived so early that I could get chores such as washing done as well as some sightseeing.
Looking back at Fell

Vineyards on steep slopes on the way down to the Moselle. 

Trier is a lovely city, the oldest in Germany.   There are many Antiquities tied to Roman times.  Added to that, I happened to arrive on the weekend of the Festival of the Old Town - the part of the city I am staying in.  I think I will let the photos tell the tale.
The Dom (Cathedral) on left, Liebfrauenkiche (Church of Our Lady) on right.
Looking from the other side I couldn't tell where the organist sat, but the wee gap in the pipes must be the place
Konstantin-Basilika - Evangelische Kirche zum Erlöser
The interior.  The building was the throne room for Emperor Constantin the Great.  Built around 310, roofed over around 350.  It is the largest surviving single room from Antiquity.  It is 67m long, 26m wide, and 33m high and has an echo of 7 - 10 seconds.
The organ was a modern contrast to the ancient building.
The organist would not need to be afraid of heights!  And fit!
There were two organs in this church - this is the smaller one of the two.
Porta Nigra.  The largest surviving Roman city gate - about 180AD.  I
Kaisertherman - Imperial Baths
Medieval Jewish Quarter


  1. Some tough going yet again. I remember walking through Porta Nigra in 1985....and it hasn't changed 😀


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