Chablis, the village not the drink

Yes, we are in Chablis, having walked past acres of vineyards for the latter half of the day.  This is a pretty, very old, village with a number of caves (wine stores) dotted throughout.  The special tractors used amongst the vines and high off the ground, zoom around the narrow streets looking a little like robots from a sci-fi movie.

The descent into Chablis
The synagogue in Chablis
Something we're definitely on a lean in Chablis!

Another circular staircase for the organist to climb.
An ancient manuscript on display in the church in Chablis.

We had a few obstacles today.  Numerous trees blocked our way at times, a challenge working out whether to go over or under.  Joan is shorter than me so she would choose under, while I would try over first!

Over or under....
.... but the vineyards were a treat...
.... as were the sunflowers and the poppies ...
... and walking around the fields.

We had a leisurely lunch at the lavoir in the village of Collan.  It is a delightful one, and at one end their is an alcove with a spring fed pool which in turn feeds the lavoir.   This is dedicated to Saint Robert who was a hermit and monk from the village (and whom I have never heard of).  He was also an Abbott of a  monastery in Tonnerre, but what else is his claim to fame I know not!

Saint Robert
The lavoir in Collan

We have had a delightful time in Chablis, cold drinks, icecreams, and dinner, but neither of us drink and so the wine list was a bit of a waste of time!
Joan, pretending to be interested in the book that was the wine list!


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