Almost to Trier, at Fell

As I write there is a massive thunderstorm in progress, long lightning flashes, and the accompanying rolling thunder, and the rain has just started with big heavy drops.  Not sure how well this bodes for tomorrow- the rain is set to continue till about lunch time.  

After yesterday's delightfully cool weather, today has seen a substantial temperature increase.  The path continues to be hard work, having to constantly stop and check where the path goes, and continually look out for the signs.  The signs on this path are poorly designed, with a little black arrow at the bottom of the sign if the path turns etc.  There is no way that i can see which way the arrow is pointing unless I deviate,  and walk right up to the sign, breaking the rythm each time.  Added to that, when the path turns the signs are sometimes 4 or 5 metres in the new direction, and very easy to go sailing past, which of course means retracing steps. 
Look hard and you can see the AU signs, for the Ausonius Way, and still keep looking and you might see the where the path goes!

It is not only the signs that make this way tricky, but the paths themselves.   They are often overgrown, and today there were numerous times when I was doubtful if I was on the right path it was so bad.  Some parts will become impassable soon, as blackberries are encroaching.  That said, it is lovely walking through the forest, listening to the birds, and seeing the mighty trees.

My day began in a most delightful way, sharing a table with three cyclists (didnt get a photo).  These men, Ulrich, Tobias, and Wolfgang met at University, and now meet each year for a cycling long weekend.  It was a pleasure chatting with them, though they couldn't quite believe what I'm planning.
Yesterday, arriving in Gräfendhron, I met a lady called Hildegard, who lives in the old school.  I managed to get a sing in the church behind.

I'm now on the Moselle, and caught my first glimpse of it in the distance after I had climbed the first hill.
View from my lunch spot (below), with Moselle in the distance.


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