
Showing posts from August, 2024

Back on the road, and all is well.

The day, Sunday, began with a walk down the hill and then up to the Cathedral where I, along with many (maybe 150) other pilgrims attended the 7am Mass.  At the conclusion we were given a blessing and we set off, some with packs on, others, like me, returning to their accomodation to have brekky and collect their packs. The bags lined up at Mass  Below these screens there is a very long flight of stairs to the door of the Cathedral, and another equally long one to the street.  The back screen comes up first, then the side screens come up.  All very silent. Pilgrims departing This is the path that most pilgrims were leaving by, hence the shells above my head.  I turned right at the end of this street and headed south. Rain overnight had dramatically lowered the temperature and it was a pleasant, if  late, start to the day.  Because I attended the Mass, had a leisurely breakfast, and had to do all my foot exercises I was a couple of hours late leaving on this first day back on the road. 

Fit & well, and about to get back on the way!

I was so fortunate that while in Saint-Étienne, I made an initial appointment with a young physiotherapist who was able to give me not just one appointment,  but four more!  He spoke English, and inferred that perhaps I should consider my age doing what I'm doing, but decided, from my reaction, that I would ignore such advice and so worked at getting these poor feet back into working order!  He talked about my foot being sensible, but I told him he meant sensitive ,  and that he probably considered that I was not being  sensible doing what I'm doing! I don't think I have ever spent so long in Europe in the same town.  It was nice to wander further afield and explore the restaurants and cafes, though I had a favourite which happened to be just up the road from where I was staying.   The host even got to recognise me.  I treated myself to my last dinner there which turned out to be one of the best meals I have had - fish and chips, but not a normal serve, followed by the bes

Resting up, and recovering

It seems an age since I trekked out of Roanne, alongside the canal, but it is a week today.  It was under very different weather conditions, with an expected high of 37°, and the normal higher humidity.  I left early in the cool morning, following my own path out of town until I was able to connect with the cycling path alongside the canal.   The port at Roanne A delicious dinner at this restaurant on my last night in Roanne And the main course I had learnt my lesson the previous day to make sure that I was on the correct side of the canal.  I left the centre of Roanne on the Saturday, walking about four kilometres to the edge of the city ready for an easier day to follow.  That day I was on the wrong side of the canal, and the only way to get to the other side, without retracing my steps, was to partake of a small amount of bush bashing, up the bank and through a blackberry patch.  A lesson not to be repeated if possible! The cycle path along the canal was shady, flat, and very pleasa