
I really like Leicester. The city centre is vibrant and energetic, easily walkable, and has a lot of historical buildings which are well kept. The clock tower in the centre of town. The municipal building in Leicester A sculpture highlighting the residents love of sport. Leicester Street scenes You may recall 10 years ago (in March), the big fuss when they discovered Richard 3rd body in a car park in Leicester. It got quite a lot of news coverage at the time, and there was also a documentary. Since then, his remains have been re-interred in Leicester Cathedral, and there is now a very interesting and informative visitor centre built where his body was discovered. A sculpture of Richard 3rd. The pall used to cover the coffin of Richard 3rd As it turns out, it wasn't all a chance discovery. Research had established that he was buried in the choir of the friary (church) that was there at the time. It was planned that 2...